Adobe InDesign CC 2015.3

Registered version with 27 languages to choose from includes Russian, English and Ukrainian.
Software for desktop Adobe InDesign CC 2015 is a universal app for publishing content that provides precise control over design and typography at the pixel level. Download the app to, you can create stylish expressive pages to print, tablets, and other screens.Easy adaptation to different formats, layouts page orientations and devices while maintaining high image quality.

New Adobe InDesign CC 2015:
- Edit once, update everywhere. Now it is possible to link the resources of libraries Creative Cloud, and after making changes to this or that resource working group participants may choose whether they need to upgrade to InDesign projects, Illustrator, or Photoshop.
- Quickly find your desired vector or bitmap. New Adobe Stock Store lets you find and license images and clips royalty-free, as well as manage them directly in InDesign CC environment. Choose from 40 million resources, keep them in the Creative Cloud Libraries and use in their projects.
- Integration with Adobe Comp CC. Create print layouts, web browser and mobile devices on your iPad from anywhere. You can download resources to the design of the shared libraries in the Creative Cloud Comp, and then send the layouts in InDesign. Here you can modify any element of the layout - text, images or graphics.
- Improvements Mercury Performance System. Scale documents to scroll the page with the mouse and move up / down through the pages of large documents become 2 times faster. In addition, page thumbnails are now also quickly redrawn after editing.
- The room is in the image of the table. Now you can add directly to the table not only text, but also images. Just use the "Pistol" tool, or drag images from the Explorer / Finder Tool or "Collect the contents."
- Framing and shading paragraphs. Quickly and easily add frame and shading paragraphs without additional manual processing. Isolation when editing text is adjusted automatically, even if it spans multiple columns. Also, now it is possible to control the displacement, and other parameters.
- More options Acrobat PDF by default. New PDF export settings in the Print dialog box allow you to configure default settings view.

Top features Adobe InDesign:
- . Publication of digital devices create expressive e-books and the most modern content for tablet devices, which can be extended with the help of integrated services Adobe Digital Publishing Suite - as well as interactive layouts, export to SWF or PDF files.
- Printing. Create stunning documents and directly print them or convert to PDF files for sending to board and professional printers.Effectively treat related content, using the contents of the collection tools and other functions.
- Integration with other Adobe solutions. Easily implement creative ideas to develop a variety of projects because of the close integration of industry-leading Adobe solutions, including Adobe Photoshop®, Illustrator®, Acrobat®, and Flash® Professional.
- Tools increase productivity. Create complex page layouts using related content, features "Alternative layout", the contents of the collection of tools, "quick" guides, rapid table creation and control functions are applied directly to objects.
- Reliable compilation of texts. Create a beautiful and modern typography with styles, flowing text, the layout of paragraphs, OpenType® support, drop caps, and the possibility of converting to EPUB export styles.
- Built-in design tools. Discover new opportunities for creativity through integrated drawing tools, reversible effects, built-in effects, Adobe Photoshop, improved control and transparency of the support graphic Photoshop 3D-objects.
- Automation. Create powerful automated workflows using standard XML-function for automatic filling of pages of text and images. Embed managed database content for multi-channel publishing.
- Extensibility. Create projects for specialized publications using the markup language InDesign Markup Language (IDML), the format based on XML, which allows developers to create and modify files using standard XML tools.
- Working together in editing. Improve interaction designers and editors through tight integration between InDesign and Adobe InCopy®.
- Access to the software Adobe Digital Publishing Suite. Have access to the Adobe Digital Publishing Suite * from InDesign software for publishing attractive digital documents for a variety of tablet devices. A new edition of Adobe Digital Publishing Suite, Single Edition enables you to publish an application on the iPad alone.
- "Liquid" layout. Easy to Design and create multiple versions of a layout for different devices and printed materials in one InDesign file.
(thanks Painter in). • Original distributions with clamping components, thereby able to reduce the size of installers. • Implemented the ability to update installed Adobe InDesign CC 2015.0 to version 2015.3 without reinstalling the program with activation preservation • two-bit with a choice combined in one installer installed
(thanks Painter in). • Original distributions with clamping components, thereby able to reduce the size of installers. • Implemented the ability to update installed Adobe InDesign CC 2015.0 to version 2015.3 without reinstalling the program with activation preservation • two-bit with a choice combined in one installer installed
System requirements:
• the Intel the Pentium 4 processor or AMD Athlon 64
• Microsoft Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8 or 8.1 the Windows
• 2 GB of RAM (8GB recommended)
• 2,6 GB free hard disk space for installation; additional free space required during installation (can not install on removable storage devices based on flash memory)
• Monitor resolution of 1024 x 768 (recommended 1280 x 800) with 32-bit video card
• To export to SWF format files requires software Adobe Flash Player 10
• Connecting to the Internet to register and activate the required software, checks the status of the subscriber and access to online services
Download Adobe InDesign CC 2015.3 (973,04 MB)
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