Adobe RoboHelp 2015 RePack Multilanguage

English registered version.
RoboHelp the Adobe - an easy-to-use solution with support for HTML5, enabling you to create high-quality publications for all devices. Save your projects for viewing on the iPad tablets, smartphones and desktop computers in WebHelp format, CHM, Adob AIR Help, PDF , e-book formats, and mobile phones.

Key features of Adobe RoboHelp:
- Publication in multiple formats and for different devices. Create a publication for practically any device in HTML5 format and other popular formats. Package Tools allow you to select the device for which the publication will continue to optimize the content for each type of screen and view the project in different modes during development.
- Quick and easy file sharing. Work always and everywhere! Through integration with Dropbox, you can set up a shared folder directly in the Resource Manager. Drag and drop files into this folder to share them with colleagues and outside experts, vendors, and others.
- Customizable header and footer in the printed document. Create brand printed documentation with attractive headers and footers.Customize a variety of master pages in special areas of documentation, such as cover, extra pages and reverse sides of pages. You can choose the design of master pages from the preloaded gallery or create your own to include images, system variables, and text.
- Built-in multimedia downloaded documents. Engage users with rich, interactive printed documentation. Embed the animation and videos created in Adobe Flash Professional and the Captivate, in Word documents and PDF, generated from your RoboHelp projects. You can also paste the AVI and MP4 in the generated Word files.
- HTML5 editor. Layouts HTML5 can be easily adjusted without having knowledge of HTML5 and CSS3. You can add a logo, give color to match the brand colors to style the widget text and determine what widgets will be available for viewing on the iPad and other tablets, smartphones and desktop systems
- Integration with Adobe Captivate. You can easily add HTML5 and SWF content (video and graphics), created in a program Adobe Captivate.

(thanks Painter in). • The original distribution with clamping components, thereby able to reduce the size of the installer.
(thanks Painter in). • The original distribution with clamping components, thereby able to reduce the size of the installer.

Download Adobe RoboHelp 2015 (560.69 MB)
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