Best Apps and Games of the Week
M Cam
M Cam is a camera app for the iPhone that allows you more control over the photography process than the stock Camera app. You can now control the ISO, white balance, and focus more precisely. With focus peaking and focus zoom you can be sure everything you want is in perfect focus.

Download: iOS
GetSpace is a photo management app for the iPhone. It lets you find and automatically delete duplicate photos. It scans and finds visually similar photos and will keep the best ones and delete the rest. It can also scan for blurry and out of focus photos and delete them. Lastly, the app can also delete old screenshots for you.

Download: iOS
Morning Kit
Morning Kit is an alarm application that shows vital information along with your alarm so you are up to speed with things as soon as you wake up. The app will show you today's schedule, weather, news headlines, world clock, exchange rates, and even motivational quotes.

Hound is a powerful search assistant app. Like Google Now and Siri, it lets you find information by asking for it but Hound can also understand complex questions with multiple queries in it, and you can continue a conversation with it and it will refine its search based on your previous queries. It's also way faster than any other voice assistant. Hound is currently only available in the US.

Clash Royale is a new game from the developers of Clash of Clans. Clash Royale gameplay is a mixture classic tower defense games, and card games such as Hearthstone. The characters in the game are from Clash of Clans but that's pretty much the extent of the similarities. Except maybe for all the in-app purchases, of which there are many. The game itself is fun, though.
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy Remastered
Fahrenheit is a third person mystery/horror/action game that originally came out back in 2005 on the consoles. The remastered version was released on iOS last year and is now finally on Android. It is one of the more critically acclaimed games out there on any platform, and although the visuals might look a bit long in the tooth now the gameplay and story still make it very playable.