Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Original Cracked

Original version with three interface languages ​​and updates on June 13, 2015

Windows 7, the Ultimate - the most complete version for home users who need all the capabilities of Windows, including everything that comes in withbecoming the Home Premium and Enterprise, without the need to enter into a separate license agreement.

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Original

The main distinguishing features of Windows 7: 
  • The DirectAccess - provides mobile users secure access to corporate networks from the Internet without the need to create a virtual private network (VPN).
  • BitLocker and the To the Go BitLocker - helps to protect data on PCs and removable drives, if necessary, carries out the forced encryption and creates backup copies of keys for data recovery.
  • The BranchCache - reduces the time users of the branches of the company spend on downloading files over the network.
  • The Search the Scopes the Enterprise - provides one simple interface for finding information on the corporate network, including at sites SharePoint.
  • The AppLocker - allows the administrator through a centrally managed, but flexible group policies to determine which applications can and what can not be run on user PCs.
  • Improvements in technology deployment Virtual Desktop Infrastructure Virtualization (VDI) - Updated interface VDI includes support for multiple monitors and microphones. It is also possible to use images of the virtual machine to boot physical PC.
  • For the UNIX-Subsystem Based the Applications (the SUA) - Subsystem for Unix-based application facilitates integration between Windows and UNIX / Linux-environment.
  • Multilingual user interface (the MUI) - the ability to create a single image for all language versions and all types of hardware (desktop, laptop, Tablet PC), which will provide a more convenient and rapid deployment of the operating system. And then, if necessary, users can switch the operating system interface (in particular the menu, dialog box, training and support files) on any of the supported languages.

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Original

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Original

Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 Original

  • Based on the original image.
  • When setting it is possible to select the language: Russian, Ukrainian or English.
  • Integrated official updates from Microsoft (except regarding Windows Defeneder and .Net Framework) on 13 June 2015.
  • User Account Control (UAC) is turned off.
  • Some automation of installation: it is not necessary to agree with the license agreement, sewn-key, but still requires the activation of which is in the news.

System requirements:
  • 1 GHz processor and a 32-bit (x86) or 64-bit (x64)
  • HDD. 16 GB of free disk space (32-bit) / 20 GB (64-bit)
  • Media Disc. To use a DVD-disk or CD-ROM requires a compatible optical drive.
  • Video adapter. Depending on resolution video playback require additional memory and advanced graphics hardware.
  • Memory. 1 GB RAM (32-bit) / 2 GB RAM (64-bit)
  • Monitor. The GPU DirectX 9 with a WDDM 1.0 driver or higher
  • Sound card. For music and sound require audio output.

Download the 32-bit operating Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (3,8 GB) of system: 

* Download the program to write the image to stick Rufus 2.2.668

Download the 64-bit operating Microsoft Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 (5,8 GB) of system: 

* Download the program to write the image to stick Rufus 2.2.668

Download Activator Windows Loader by Daz 2.2.2 (1,5 MB): 

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