WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.6 + Rus + Extensions

The Web Builder, a WYSIWYG - a program for creating Web pages, which automatically creates HTML-code at the time, you simply place the objects, HTML knowledge from you all is not required. Just drag and drop objects anywhere on the page. After this will only upload to your web server, using the built-in tool "Publish." It has practically all possibilities of MS Frontpage, but contains much more tools to work with objects (images, text, tables, etc.). Thanks to WYSIWYG Web Builder Web page on the Internet will have exactly the same form as on a PC, regardless of the browser.
Key Features:
• No need for knowledge of HTML
• Drag and drop objects anywhere in the HTML-page, anywhere
• Customizable menus, toolbars, tabs, etc.
• Support for creating form fields
• Wizard to create forms for the four stages. Choose from a dozen forms of the perfect
• Rich text support: size, fonts, colors, links, etc.
• Support the ActiveX, JAVA, Flash, Windows Media player , Quicktime, Real Audio and other plug-ins
• Built-in editor dlyasozdaniya photo gallery , with many functions
• Built-in editor for creating advertising banners
• creating image maps (Image maps)
• Setting and editing the scrollbar for your web pages of Internet Explorer in the Microsoft
• create navigation bars, tabbed navigation, slide menus, etc.
• ready to use language javascript
• Support for templates. Available more than 100 templates!
• Insert special. Character
• Support for creating slide shows
• Import existing HTML-pages
• Built-in support for creating pop-ups (Popup-windows)
• Create drop down menu navigation
• Search and replace text facilities
• Graphical tools: brightness, contrast, nsyschennosti, color and so on. . d
• Image effects: black and white, negative, sepia, blur, sharpen, noise, etc.
• drawing tools
• Creation of RSS-feeds
• saytmapa generator for Google
Simple and fast
• The visual design of the site (for What-You-See-Is-for What-You-the Get).
• You do not need knowledge of HTML, plain drag the objects on the page.
• Output in HTML format, HTML4, HTML5, XHTML, CSS3 , PHP.
• templates Support.
• the HTML5 Audio / Video, the YouTube, the Flash.
• slideshow, photo gallery, rollover images, rollover text.
• Menu and many other navigation features.
• Easily create forms using the built in wizard forms, shapes tools, verification a CAPTCHA.
• Fully integrated JQuery UI, accordion, tabs, animation effects.
• PayPal The e-commerce. Page protection password, registration, authorization, etc.
• Unique extension (add-ons).
• Management of the jQuery themes, the ability to create their own.
• Style Manager, headers H1, H2, H3, etc.
• Master-frame and the main objects use the common element in all the pages of your site.
• Built-in content management system (CMS), with a variety of plug-ins.
• Immediate publication of the site, there is no need in third-party FTP program. the HTML5. Of CSS3. • the HTML5 document type (HTML5 optimized output). • the HTML5 audio / video and YouTube. HTML5 forms validation, a new type of input and parameters. • of CSS3 @ font-face - to determine the font settings. • Transparency of CSS3, radius of the border, shades. • of CSS3 gradients. Add interesting gradient effects using CSS3 (no images). • of CSS3 navigation menu. • Create a menu without javascript or images. • of CSS3 photos. • of CSS3 animations and transitions. • Including support for 2D and 3D transform Responsive design With the increasing popularity viewing on mobile phones and tablets, responsive design becomes necessary to create websites that are optimized for the needs of these users. WYSIWYG Web Builder introduces "responsive web design" which allows you to create HTML pages that contain different versions of planning, each optimized for a specific device widths. Your site will respond dynamically to the visitor screen size and display a layout that is most appropriate for their device. The mobile design now WYSIWYG Web Builder is a built-in designer for mobile Web pages. This makes it easy to create mobile versions of pages without the need for external software. Mobile pages have a different set of tools and the creation of a mobile site is somewhat different from the creation of the common sites. jQuery Mobileyavlyaetsya basis for creating mobile web applications, runs on all popular smartphones and tablets.

Changes in version 11.0.6:
- The Fixed: Rounding error in Percentages in the CSS menu The user is with stretched buttons bmp.
- The Fixed:. Banner does to the publish (the semi) transparent background Used
- the Fixed: The Missing the asterisk in the Object the HTML / the Custom the Style of for Responsive the Menu.
- The Fixed: for Responsive Photo Gallery does not support the visibility in breakpoints.
- the Fixed: Show with Effects in text does not the include effect scripts directory.
- Improved: the If of parallax effect is the disabled in breakpoints the then will of the BE added to the background Used-the position, the this will of overwrite is the script 'by important!'.
- Improved: Added support for file links in Blog.
- Improved: the Extensions are the loaded more efficiently AT application the startup.
- Improved: It is now! Just Possible to use 'onscrollhide' only in Bookmark events (IT the no longer a the depends on 'onscrollreveal').
- Improved: Site Manager synchronisation no longer includes extensions that do not use this feature. This may are significantly Improve performance the when using the the extensions in a large the website of.
- Improved: Renaming ID in the Object Manager.
- Improved: of The the Help (the F1) now! Just includes a description of the a built-in the Site the Variables ($ PARALLAX_SPEED $, $ GOOGLEFONTS_PREFIX $, VIMEO_PREFIX $ $, $ $ LAZYLOAD_THRESHOLD, LAZYLOAD_FADE $ $)
- a feature the New: Added $ VIMEO_PREFIX $ site variable. This makes it possible to overwrite the ' http:' prefix. You can replace it with 'https: ' or leave the value empty.
- The Fixed:. Banner does to the publish (the semi) transparent background Used
- the Fixed: The Missing the asterisk in the Object the HTML / the Custom the Style of for Responsive the Menu.
- The Fixed: for Responsive Photo Gallery does not support the visibility in breakpoints.
- the Fixed: Show with Effects in text does not the include effect scripts directory.
- Improved: the If of parallax effect is the disabled in breakpoints the then will of the BE added to the background Used-the position, the this will of overwrite is the script 'by important!'.
- Improved: Added support for file links in Blog.
- Improved: the Extensions are the loaded more efficiently AT application the startup.
- Improved: It is now! Just Possible to use 'onscrollhide' only in Bookmark events (IT the no longer a the depends on 'onscrollreveal').
- Improved: Site Manager synchronisation no longer includes extensions that do not use this feature. This may are significantly Improve performance the when using the the extensions in a large the website of.
- Improved: Renaming ID in the Object Manager.
- Improved: of The the Help (the F1) now! Just includes a description of the a built-in the Site the Variables ($ PARALLAX_SPEED $, $ GOOGLEFONTS_PREFIX $, VIMEO_PREFIX $ $, $ $ LAZYLOAD_THRESHOLD, LAZYLOAD_FADE $ $)
- a feature the New: Added $ VIMEO_PREFIX $ site variable. This makes it possible to overwrite the ' http:' prefix. You can replace it with 'https: ' or leave the value empty.
OS: the Windows 10 / Windows 8.1 / Windows 8 / Windows 7 / Vista Download WYSIWYG Web Builder 11.0.6 + crack + supplements (19.3 MB):
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