CyberLink PowerDirector Ultimate 14.0.2707.0 + Rus

PowerDirector - the fastest and most advanced software for video editing. Includes the most advanced and easy-to-use tools for creating professional videos. Also available there is video processing technology (SVRT), NVIDIA CUDA, ATI -Stream for multi-core processing units that can help you complete projects movies and save them in high quality faster than it can make other programs available on the market.

Features of CyberLink PowerDirector:
• Create high-quality videos quickly with Magic Movie to provide an improved tool.
• Use the Content Aware Editing (Editing Content-Aware), to quickly find the most fascinating parts and correct the bad part of the video.
• Speed up your computer with the help of technology 3. ™ TrueVelocity
• Embark on a journey full of editing using AudioDirector, ColorDirector and PhotoDirector.
• Import video 2K and 4K Ultra HD, as well as video or audio up to 7.1 channels for editing.
• Advanced design studio PowerDirector (constructor PIP particles constructor titles designer, menu designer) for more accurate, powerful and creative editing to create movies and CDs.
• Create 4 gradient color fringing and the text in the constructor of the PIP, the constructor titles and menu constructor.
• Import and edit video using the audio channel 5.1 without downmix to channel 2 during the preview.
• Use the updated tools Fix / Enhance to correct lighting and white balance in the media or shake a rotating camera in the video.
• Look at all the frames in the timeline of video files with frame purity of 50 or 60 frames per second.
• Produce films in the format of the video in the Matroska (the MKV).
• output video in one of many formats, 2K or 4K the Ultra the HD.
• Turn off the preview window for larger view video and timeline.
• Edit and customize keyboard shortcuts PowerDirector for more personalized editing. The benefits of PowerDirector: • awesome high-speed video editing; • powerful editing tools; • a maximum of creativity; • the ability to upload videos directly to social networks in full as the HD; • downloading videos on IPAD, iPhone, IPod, BlackBerry, PSP, Zune and many other mobile devices.

The new 14 version:
• of ENHANCED the Premium the Add-of Ons the From Professional, Effects Designers
• World's Fastest the Video the Editing
• Unbeatable the Action Cam the Tools
• the Screen Recorder is
• the Record Your the PC the Screen with the Audio
• TrueVelocity 5 Engine
• Featuring a the latest SVRT 4, OpenCL, and Multi Technologies' -GPGPU
• the Native 64-bit TrueVelocity 5 Engine
• 4 SVRT Technology
• the Import / the Export the Frame the High Rate the Video
• Latest and the Format Codec How it works Support of ENHANCED
• How it works Support the FLAC the Audio
• the Action Center the Camera
• the Motion Tracking
• the Import, Edit Have the High and the Export the Frame Rate Video

What's new in version 14.0.2707.0:
• Fixes the crash issue encountered Intermittently the after Applying the patch v2527.
• Adds support for 360 degree the PiP the item's rotation in a the single a keyframe.
• Enhances the program performance the when Generating shadow files is.
• Enhances the compatibility of an AVI and the MOV video as with a-source video in the Windows 10.
• Enhance the stability of the Title / the PiP / the Particle designer.
• Enhance the stability of the Capture the Desktop.
• Enhances performance software the when Previewing video clips with an applied speed adjustment.
• Fixes the issue SVRT That does not work on the videos the MOV.
• the when the Issues Fixes upload the video to your Youtube and with Facebook.
• Fixes the crash issue encountered the when the preset Applying a color in the the Camera the Action Center.
• Fixes the crash issue encountered the when using the the Fish Produce an Eye effect to a 4: 3 HD, Full- HD or 4K WMV video
• Adds support for 360 degree the PiP the item's rotation in a the single a keyframe.
• Enhances the program performance the when Generating shadow files is.
• Enhances the compatibility of an AVI and the MOV video as with a-source video in the Windows 10.
• Enhance the stability of the Title / the PiP / the Particle designer.
• Enhance the stability of the Capture the Desktop.
• Enhances performance software the when Previewing video clips with an applied speed adjustment.
• Fixes the issue SVRT That does not work on the videos the MOV.
• the when the Issues Fixes upload the video to your Youtube and with Facebook.
• Fixes the crash issue encountered the when the preset Applying a color in the the Camera the Action Center.
• Fixes the crash issue encountered the when using the the Fish Produce an Eye effect to a 4: 3 HD, Full- HD or 4K WMV video
OS: the Microsoft the Windows 10, 8 / 8.1, 7, Vista (SP2)
Download CyberLink PowerDirector Ultimate 14.0.2707.0 + crack (1.18 GB):
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