Install Mac OS X Yosemite in VMWare inside Windows PC

In this tutorial, I show you how to install, setup and run Mac OS X 10.11 El Capitan, Yosemite (10.10), Maverick (10.9) with VMWare Workstation 11 inside Windows PC.
Install and run Mac OS X Yosemite in VMWare
You have a PC or even a Laptop which is not Macbook, but you are so curious about Mac OS system, which is really modern and stable in using and much more beautiful than Windows? Why don’t you try to install Mac OS X Yosemite in a virtual machine inside the Windows?

Install Mac OS X Yosemite in VMWare
I am running Mac OS X inside Windows?

Let’s do it.

Hardware requirements to run smoothly Yosemite using VMWare inside Windows

Ram: You need at lest 4Gb of Ram. 8Gb is recommended.
CPU: Intel Core i3, Core i5 or Core i7. Core i5 supports Intel Virtualization VT-x, and Core i7 is much better since it supports VT-d (IO Direct) which facilitate virtual machine access Hardwares of PC quicker.
HDD (Hard drive): SSD absolutely perfect. However SATA hard drive are alright.

Softwares, apps and tools need to be prepared

You need 4 things: VMWare WorkstationMac OS X Yosemite VMDK setup imageVMWare Mac OS Unlocker and VMWare Tools.
  • VMWare Workstation 11 full version download.
  • Softwares update function in Mac OS X 10.7.
  • Download VMWare Mac OS Unlocker 2.0.8 from here
  • Download VMWare Tools here
  • Mac OS X Yosemite setup image download in the video above..

Step by step to install Mac OS X Yosemite into Windows on PC

Step 1: Install and setup VMWare Workstation 11

It is easy, download the VMWare Workstation 11 full version via the link above and install and setup as usual.

Step 2: Extract Unlocker, run win-install.cmd file

Run win-install.cmd of Unlocker
It takes some moments to patch VMWare completely.

Step 3: Create a new virtual machine in VMWare

  • You now need to create a new virtual machine in VMWare to install Yosemite into. And then we need to customize and make the machine compatible.
  • Custom (Advanced) > Hardware (Choose Workstation 10 since it supports VMWare Fusion while Hardware 11 does not) > Next > I will install… later…> choose Mac OS X > Choose Mac OS X 10.7
If VMWare Workstation 11 does not show Apple Mac OS X option at Guest operating system, you missed the step 2 of  Running VMware Unlocker 2.0.8
New virtual machine to install yosemite
  • Then click on Next > choose location direction to save the output > Firmware Type (choose EFI) > Processors (take standard) > Ram (Take standard) > Network (choose NAT) > Next ….until finish.

Step 4: Go back VMWare interface, select Mac OS X 10.7 and click on “Edit virtual machine settings”

Setup mac os x in vmware
  • Click on Add, a new window coming up. Choose Hard Disk at Hardware.
install mac os x yostemite inside window with Vmware
  • Next > Next > chose “Use an existing virtual disk” > Next > Disk File: go to the location that the Mac OS X Lion Installer.vmdk was downloaded > Click on Finish.
  • You now can click on Start to begin installing Mac OS X in VMWare.
Mac OS X Yosemite and Vmware
It should be easy in next steps and you would handle well.

Install VMWare Tools in Mac OS X Virtual machine

This is important. VMWare Tools is set of drivers that make Mac OS X able to:
  • Automatically adjust the screen resolution to fit the screen (View -> Autosize -> Autofit Guest).
  • Drag and Drop file between Windows and Mac OS X Virtual machine.
  • Share data between Windows and Mac OS X.
How to install? From the Menu –> Removable Devices –> CD/DVD –> Setting –> Choose “Use iso image file” –> Locate VMWare Folder (“C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware Workstation\”) –> Select Darwin.iso –> Open –> OK.
Update: At for Mac OS 10.10 and 10.9, we use VMWareTools (darwin-fusion7.iso).

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